The 11th edition of the HR Club Human Resources Excellence Awards Gala took place on March 27th, 2019. Organized in an anniversary year, when HR Club celebrates 15 years of activity, the competition proved once again to be a real barometer that indicates the evolution and the maturity of the HR profession in Romania.
8 companies received awards, out of the 28 participants that applied with projects. Discover the winners >>>
For many of today’s corporate leaders, this current period of turbulence in everything from GDP growth to commodity prices to the pace of product innovation is more extreme than anything they have known before.
When faced with turbulent times there tends to be a dichotomy in responses that’s evident not just in business but in politics and society too. Some people want to retreat to familiar territory, to try and make life more predictable again. Others choose to reach out to embrace the change. Read more >>>
Continuous learning is an investment in your own career that can pay you significant dividends. Whether you plan or not to change your job, a certification can bring you a salary increase, a promotion or other benefits. For example, 90% of employers surveyed in the CompTIA Global Study (2015) reported they were more inclined to promote an employee if he or she had a professional certification. Also, according to the same study, 67% of recruiters used certifications to assess the willingness of a candidate to work hard and meet an objective, and 60% deemed certifications a confirmation of knowledge.
What if your team could transition from the idea of being just a group of employees that happen to work in this place, into a community of people who share the same values and rules? What if they could find a higher meaning, care about their work, and the company could access their full arsenal of talents and initiatives?
There is one way to have all this, says Isaac Getz, author of the book “Freedom, Inc.” and speaker at the HR Club event on October 4th, HighFuture Conference.
And that way is to offer your employees more control and personal responsibility, becoming yourself a liberating leader.
HR Club, the Association for HR Professionals in Romania, launched the first 100% Romanian HR Certification System. It was created by experienced professionals and targets three levels of seniority: generalist, integrator and strategist. The first certification session will be held in Bucharest, between June 12-16, 2017.
This certification, recognized by the members of the HR Club Community, will offer HR professionals not only an insight into their level of mastery of the most relevant competencies that guarantee success in this field, but also a guide for their future development.
HR Club is opening a regional office in Cluj-Napoca, following the request of the HR community in the region. After 12 years of existence, HR Club makes the first significant move outside Bucharest, wanting to continue the mission of the association to promote best practices in the HR field, by organizing formal and informal meetings that meet the needs of human resources professionals in the central and north-western region of the country.
HR Club plans to firstly identify the development needs and interests of the HR community in Cluj and then to organize meetings and events on the topics of interest for the new community. The format is open and new initiatives from those who want to get involved are welcome. HR managers that work for companies with offices in Cluj will be invited to best practice seminars on the various areas of HR. They will have the opportunity to learn from their colleagues who implemented the projects that participated at the HR Excellence Awards Gala, organized each year by HR Club to award the best HR projects implemented in the previous year.
HR Club will organize practice communities where HR specialists in certain industries can meet to exchange information on activities and procedures that might help to achieve a higher performance in organizations and their departments or simply receive help and advice for the situations they face.
CIPD announces that is committed to support HR professionals in this period of change, after the British people voted to leave EU. In this article we have a message from CIPD Chief Executive, Peter Cheese and a link to a FAQ document updated by the association.
After months of campaigning and uncertainty, the people of the UK have voted to leave the European Union. The implications of this landmark decision will be far-reaching and will undoubtedly affect the world of work, with HR and L&D professionals being at the forefront of these changes.
It’s a hugely complex area and even with the ‘leave’ decision being clear, there are still a significant number of uncertainties as to how the decision to leave will play out in practice.
Our exit from the European Union will likely take at least two years, giving both the UK Government and businesses time to adjust. It’s very important that both government and businesses take this time to properly assess the long-term impacts of any decisions they take and it’s vital that people are at the heart of these decisions.
While the UK’s official exit from the European Union won’t happen for some time, the effects of the ‘leave’ decision may be felt much sooner in your workplace. In the first instance, it’s likely that your colleagues may have questions over what the change may mean for employment regulation and employee rights, and how it might affect migrant workers and their right to live and work in the UK.
CIPD is here to support you through this period of change and give you the information you need to understand how the decision may affect your work as a HR or L&D professional, what it may mean for your workforce and for your organisation moving forward. We will be communicating through our website and our various channels, but also we encourage you to engage with us as we facilitate discussion and dialogue within our community to share perspectives, challenges and ideas as this new future unfolds.
Access the rest of the article here >>>
What is the value of HR in 2016?
After many decades of research in the field of human resources, Dave Ulrich is, for many HR professionals, a mentor. He took his mission seriously to help organisations achieve success through HR, and he spoke tirelessly about how HR professionals can be successful business partners and how good competencies of HR specialist add value to an organisation. Dave Ulrich, who influenced an entire generation of thinkers, is continuing to write and publish about revolutionary notions in HR.
As a professor at Ross School of Business, University of Michigan, he dedicated his career explaining phenomena which shape this very complex field, constantly visiting professional communities in over 87 countries. Also, Romanian HR professionals will have the have the opportunity to listen and work with Dave Ulrich on April 7 2016 in Bucharest, in a Master Class focused on new trends in HR based on 2016 Round 7 HR competency global study results.
Sponsored by the Ross School at the University of Michigan and The RBL Group along with 22 regional partners around the world, we are delighted to present the results of the 7th round of the HR competency study (HRCS). For almost 30 years the HRCS has empirically defined the competencies of HR professionals and how those competencies impact performance. In this roundwe collected over 30,000 worldwide surveys rating the competencies and performance of more than 4,000 HR professionals from more than 1,500 organization units. The results simultaneously build upon insights from prior rounds and generate new insights for the HR.
Money is not the most efficient or powerful motivator, writes Daniel Pink, one of the top 15 business thinkers in the world, in his bestseller Drive – The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us. Pink uses 50 years of behavioral science research to reveal the reasons why the traditional approach to motivating performance does not work in most organizations.