High Future Conference


Celebrating the art of thinking differently.



HighFuture Conference, October 4th, 2017

Stejarii Country Club, Bucuresti


During the Second World War, a young sailor took the initiative to double-check his navigation officer's calculation of their location. In doing so, he broke an important safety rule and put his vessel at risk of being detected by a German submarine. However, by his action, he saved three of his fleet's vessels from running aground.

This kind of risky initiative is very easy to observe in entrepreneurial organizations at the very beginning. However, when the organization begins to grow, such freedom of initiative becomes limited.

So what should we do in order to preserve our access to the resources of talent and engagement of the employees in our company?

Let's meet on October the 4th and talk:

•    about the unique way in which each member of the team can contribute to our strategy, be it in the military or in business
•    about the challenges we meet, as leaders, in the global economy
•    about new concepts in work and entrepreneurship.

And we will find out about all this directly from our remarkable international and national speakers, who elaborated original models and implemented them with great success!

Find out more about the speakers, sessions and agenda of the event in the menu on the left side!


08.30 – 09.30
Registration and welcome coffee
09.30 - 10.00
Opening session: Radu Mavrodin, HR Club President
10.00 - 11.00
Keynote 1: Liberated Company: How to Unleash Employee Initiative and Potential, Isaac Getz, Professor in Idea, Involvement, and Innovation Management, ESCP Europe School of Management - Session sponsored by Carrefour
11.00 - 11.30
Coffee Break
11.30 - 13.00
Keynote 2: The Culture Map: Decoding how people think, lead, and get things done around the world, Erin Meyer, Senior Affiliate Professor in the Organisational Behaviour Department, INSEAD - Session sponsored by Eucom
13.00 - 14.30
Parallel sessions
14.30 - 17.00
Plenary Session - HighFuture Pioneers: Ciprian Stanescu - President Global Shapers Bucharest Hub, a World Economic Forum community | Mihai Dragomir - Founder Asociatia Mioritics | Riccarda Zezza - Founder Maternity as a Master (MAAM)
14.30 - 18.00
Master Class 1 - Isaac Getz: How to transform your organization into a liberated company - Session sponsored by Carrefour
14.30 - 18.00
Master Class 2 - Erin Meyer: Leading Across Borders and Cultures - Session sponsored by Eucom

Detalii sesiuni

Keynote 1: Isaac Getz, Professor in Idea, Involvement, and Innovation Management at ESCP Europe School of Management - Liberated Company: How to Unleash Employee Initiative and Potential - Session sponsored by Carrefour
We often hear that employees lack meaning at work and are not engaged enough. It’s seemingly true: in a traditional organization very few employees come to work because they share with it a deep purpose and, once at their workplace, few take initiatives. But this appearance is false: many of the same employees are extremely dynamic and engaged once they leave their company’s doors. They take responsibilities in their small municipality, in children sports clubs, launch associations, run amateur musical performances... But the ideas they have regarding their work, they prefer to share with their friends and family—not with their organization.
Imagine now organizations in which the employees are free and responsible to take any initiative they themselves decided as being the best for their organization. Imagine that these organizations reach and remain at top performance in their industries for decades. Imagine finally that their employees are not only engaged, creative and see the deep meaning in what they do but are also happy… A dream? Absolutely not! Hundreds of organizations like this exist today, of all sizes, geographies and industries, in private and public sectors. Most weren’t like that when created but were transformed thanks to corporate liberation guided by their liberating leaders.
In his conference Prof. Getz will discuss corporate liberation. By presenting in a lively fashion concrete cases he studied firsthand, he will draw key lessons that organizations and their leaders can use to unleash the employee initiative and potential they have.
Keynote 2:  The Culture Map: Decoding how people think, lead, and get things done around the world Erin Meyer, Senior Affiliate Professor in the Organisational Behaviour Department, INSEAD - Session sponsored by Eucom

As today’s business world becomes ever-more global and virtual, executives and managers are expected to work harmoniously together with counterparts from a broad array of cultures and backgrounds, often without leaving their desks. But when you throw people together who come from starkly different backgrounds and cultures, the result can be interesting, even sometimes funny, but can also lead to misunderstanding and confusion.

In this talk, Professor Erin Meyer offers a highly practical and timely perspective on one of today’s most pressing business issues: how do different cultures influence the way to do business when working globally? Even those who are culturally informed, travel extensively, and have lived abroad often have few strategies for dealing with the cross-cultural complexity that affects their team's day-to-day effectiveness. 

Meyer provides a new way forward with vital insights for working effectively and sensitively with one's counterparts in the new global marketplace. 

You will learn:

  • To improve your own ability to communicate, build trust, and negotiate deals with those from a wide variety of cultural backgrounds.

  • To analyze the positioning of one culture relative to another on a series of behavioral scales, so that you can decode how culture is influencing your international collaboration.

Plenary Session - HighFuture Pioneers
On October 4th, the Plenary Session - HighFuture Pioneers (14.30 - 16.30) - organized in partnership with Global Shapers Bucharest Hub - a World Economic Forum community, will focus on some of the most important aspects for the future of work: automation, Artificial Intelligence, migration of labor force, social inequalities and skills of and for the future.
Conversations will also be based on conclusions from the 2016 report of the World Economic Forum - The Future of Jobs: Employment, Skills and Workforce Strategy for the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
Ciprian Stanescu will talk about the implications of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
  • What are the latest trends in digitization and automation?
  • How will the future look and what do "exponential technologies" really mean?
  • Who should be interested in (and why) abstract issues like Artificial Intelligence or Augmented Reality?
The last 10 years of technological changes will produce a profoundly different future from what we have prepared for so far, both for educational and business environment. "The old way" method won't work anymore in an increasingly competitive market and the risk for Romania's few competitive advantages to disappear will be on the rise.
Mihai Dragomir, the second speaker of out plenary session, will invite us to discuss about the innovative projects that can be generated in the NGO sector and the tourism sector in Romania.
Our civil society has coagulated shyly over the 27 years of democracy. However, the Romanian NGO sector has gradually become an important employer, generating a large number of jobs (99,774) in the year 2015. It is time to look at this sector as an important element in the economy and the development of communities, because most times it solves some of the Romanian state's deficiencies in education, social services, culture, entrepreneurship, infrastructure, etc.
On the other hand, tourism is a sector with a serious lack of strategic direction. We have everything, our country is rich in natural and anthropogenic resources, but we do not matter in international statistics. We look with envy at the mass tourism in Bulgaria and Croatia, but we do not see the huge potential of developing niche tourism (the one that produces added value and real welfare in host communities).

Ricarda Zezza, Ashoka Fellow from Italy, will introduce to us "Maternity as a Master" (MAAM), the first and only program in the world that transforms parenting experiences of employees into growth opportunities by developing new skills such as efficient problem solving, decision making, time and priorities management, empathy, which are key to their productivity and success. Thus, more women return to work after parental leave and actively contribute to the economy and society.

Riccarda believes that the balance between personal and professional life should be redefined, so that parents no longer perceive the child-raising period as being in conflict with their own career, and parental leave should be understood, both by parents and by colleagues and employers, as a moment of profound learning, not a time away from work.


Adrian Fako will give a presentation on Artificial Intelligence in corporate learning programs.

Successful companies aren’t just built on products alone. They’re built on the new habits they help you form. What technologies could you implement for continuous learning and behavioral change in your company? How do coworking spaces influence the employees of the future and the future of work? How do you measure performance and scale your business through new technologies? How can you customize learning at an individual level, for each unique personality type, in real time?


Cristian Covaciu will present a case study on "IPEC - From a Small Manufacturing to a High-Tech Company".

He will detail on the evolution of the automation of various processes and how industrial robots can improve processes and contribute to better remuneration of company employees.


Daniel Matei will speak about coworking trends and the accelerated local growth of this field over the last 2 years, but also about these trends globally and locally.

He will present data that will contain the profile of the typical coworking space user, as it emerges from the research conducted by the Impact Hub network among 15,000 members globally.  


This year we have prepared two Master Class Sessions that will be held in parallel, between 14.30 - 18.00. Should you like to register for one of the Master Class, please contact us at florina.dinca@hr-club.ro.

Master Class 1: How to transform your organization into a liberated company - Session sponsored by Carrefour

Imagine you are watching a boat of eight rowers training for a big race in the middle of a lake. You hear the whistle blow, and puzzled by what you’re seeing, you ask the coach: “It doesn’t seem that the boat is moving”. To what the coach replies: “It’s because I haven’t explained you what’s going on in the boat. You can’t see it from here, but the first rower is really rowing hard. The five behind are splashing the oars so that the first chap thinks they are working hard. And the last two, well, they are rowing hard… but in the opposite direction. So you say the boat is not moving? Well, that’s what we call a good day, because usually it goes backwards.”

Indeed, most of the companies want to become champions and yet very few succeed. This mystery drove four years of research that brought my co-author Brian Carney and me close to thirty very different companies which we called “liberated”. A liberated company is one in which employees are free and responsible to take actions that they – not their bosses, not procedures, decide are the best for the company. Of course, they aren’t former prisons, but the two key ingredients of performance, employee initiative and potential, which are stifled in a traditional command-and-control company, are freed up in liberated companies.

In this session we will discuss how to build a liberated company which unleashes these employee initiative and potential.

Since there is no model for the liberated company, every company and every operational unit of larger corporations and administrations must build their own unique liberated mode of functioning by articulating this philosophy in their own cultural and human context.

Hence, Michelin started their liberation several years ago in six plants in six different countries and each plant does it their own way. The transformation is carried by the head of each plant, often helped by the local HR director. We dubbed this company’s head a liberating leader. Plant directors in Michelin or Airbus, CEOs of small-medium sized companies as Harley-Davidson, or start-ups as IDEO or W.L. Gore. 

In this session we will discuss their lessons:

  • #1 You can’t transform your organization if you haven’t transformed yourself
  • #2 You need an explicit mandate from your “stockholders” to launch a corporate liberation
  • #3 You don’t talk, you act to create a trust environment by focusing on the irritants
  • #4 You co-invent a unique liberated organizational mode together with your company’s employees
  • #5 You become the guardian of company’s vision and values

Isaac Getz is a Professor in Idea, Involvement, and Innovation Management at the top-ranked ESCP Europe Business School (Paris, London, Berlin, Madrid, Torino, Warsaw). You can find the complete description here.



Master Class 2: Leading Across Borders and Cultures - Session sponsored by Eucom
In today’s business world, where teams are spread across the planet and most of our communication takes place virtually, how do we work effectively in the face of cross-cultural complexity? In this masters class Professor Erin Meyer, author of The Culture Map winner of the 2015 Thinkers50 Radar Award, and named one of the top 30 HR influencers in the world by HR Magazine, explains how to dramatically increase business success by understanding—and making the best possible use of—cultural differences.
Even with English as a global language, it's easy to fall into cultural traps that endanger careers and sink deals when, say, a Brazilian manager tries to fathom how his Chinese suppliers really get things done, or a Romanian team leader tries to get a handle on the intra-team dynamics between his Russian and Indian team members.

In this session Erin Meyer provides a field-tested model for decoding how cultural differences impact international business. She combines a smart analytical framework with practical, actionable advice for succeeding in a global world.

In this presentation Prof. Meyer will focus specifically on:

  • How to lead teams and make decisions across cultures
  • How to influence international counterparts
  • How to build and nourish relationships with people from around the world.
Erin Meyer is Senior Affiliate Professor in the Organisational Behaviour Department at INSEAD. You can find the complete description here.
Depending on the Master Class sessions you wish to attend , please find below the registration fees.
*Prices are in Euros and VAT is not included. 


Isaac Getz, Professor in Idea, Involvement, and Innovation Management, ESCP Europe School of Management
Isaac Getz is a Professor at the top-ranked ESCP Europe Business School (Paris, London, Berlin, Madrid, Torino, Warsaw). He was also Visiting Professor at Cornell and Stanford Universities and at the University of Massachusetts.
Dr. Getz studied over 300 companies in 30 countries and published research on diverse topics related to innovation, leadership, corporate transformation, employee engagement, and freedom and responsibility culture.
In 2009, he co-authored with Brian Carney a widely acclaimed book: "Freedom, Inc.: How Corporate Liberation Unleashes Employee Potential and Business Performance". Editions have appeared or forthcoming in France, Czech Republic, Hungary, Sweden, Holland, Israel, India, South Korea and China. The French edition Liberté & Cie (Fayard, 2012/Flammarion, 2013) has won the Best Book Award in Corporate Strategy and is the bestselling business book in France of the last 3 years. 
His “Liberating Leadership” California Management Review 2009 article which introduced the concept of liberated company (enterprise libérée) won the Syntec Annual Award for the best academic article in the category Management/HR/Organization.
He is currently carrying the research on the companies which put the interests of their clients, suppliers and local society first; and believe that by doing that they will also be economically successful.
Dr. Getz’s work has been featured in the Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Fortune, Strategy+Business, Financial Times, Le Monde, Le Figaro, les Echos, Les Challenges, La Tribune,  Il Sole 24 Ore, Het Financieele Dagblad, De Gelderlander, Il Tempi, TF1, France 2, France 3, ARTE, TV5, M6, RAI, CNBC, Fox and other leading media on four continents. He is also a regular columnist in WSJ and Le Monde.
Dr. Getz is a sought after speaker on the topics of innovation, transformation, and liberating leadership, and gave executive conferences, keynote speeches and training seminars for hundreds of multinational companies, organizations, and summits on four continents.
A 2016 study by FNEGE (The French National Foundation for the Management and Business Education) on the world 50 most influential living management thinkers ranked Isaac Getz at N°4.
Senior Affiliate Professor in the Organisational Behaviour Department at INSEAD
Erin Meyer is Senior Affiliate Professor in the Organisational Behaviour Department at INSEAD and the author of The Culture Map: Breaking Through the Invisible Boundaries of Global Business . Her work focuses on how the world’s most successful global leaders navigate the complexities of cultural differences in a multi-cultural environment. Working in Africa, Europe, and the United States prompted Meyer’s study of the communication patterns and business systems of different parts of the world. Her framework allows international executives to pin-point their leadership preferences, and compare their methods to the management styles of other cultures. Meyer has taught thousands of executives from five continents to decode how cultural differences are impacting their work, and strategies for improving their international collaboration. 
Erin publishes frequently in Harvard Business Review. Her December 2015 HBR article "Getting to Si, Ja, Oui, Hai, and Da" was the most popular HBR article of 2015.  She has also published in the New York Times Sunday paper, Forbes.com, and The Times of India. She has been interviewed on CNN, Bloomberg TV, the BBC, and NPR.
Most recently Erin won the 2015 Thinkers50 “On the Radar” award, an award given to the up-and-coming thinker most likely to shape the future of business and business thinking and was selected by HR magazine as one of the top 30 HR influencers of 2016.
Global Shapers Bucharest Hub, a World Economic Forum community
Ciprian Stanescu has over 10 years of experience in leadership programs and public policy within several organisations, companies and communities. He has worked since 2007 for the Aspen Institute Romania, currently as Director for Corporate Affairs & Membership. He developed and delivered different types of workshops for students, young professionals, politicians, entrepreneurs or business leaders.
Ciprian has also coordinated, since 2015, two large competitions in Romania. The first, Social Impact Award, is an educational program in social entrepreneurship and part of the largest European social business competition. The second one is Hello Tomorrow Romania, part of the most important global competition for start-ups in science and technology. More recently he started teaching a class in Futurism and building a community of experts in new technologies through the events platform Innovations for Tomorrow. In the civic space, Ciprian founded in 2013 Global Shapers Bucharest Hub, a World Economic Forum community. And because he believes art can (also) save the world, he has an improv theatre group, Marțienii. He is a PhD candidate with the Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies and has an MA in Political Science from the Central European University.
Mioritics Association (www.mioritics.ro)

Mihai Dragomir is a founding member of the Mioritics Association (2004) and the manager of the most important projects developed by this organization from its foundation to the present. He is involved in campaigns to promote and capitalize on the national cultural heritage, the development of ecotourism infrastructure and services, educational programs for youth and external promotion events.

He was elected in the Board of Directors of the Ecotourism Association of Romania and participates as an expert at the conferences organized by the UNESCO Regional Office in Venice. He is part of the management team of Colinele Transilvaniei, coordinates the Rasnov Film and History Festival (www.ffir.ro), the Schubz Educational Center (www.schubz.ro) and other projects.

Maternity as a Master (MAAM)

In 2012, Riccarda Zezza co-founded, alongside Andrea Vitullo (executive coach and leadership expert), “Maternity as a Master” (MAAM). Analyzing her own experience, Riccarda noticed that the break she took to obtain her master's degree was appreciated at the workplace, but corporate culture had trouble understanding and integrating her period of parental leave. In October 2015 she also founded ARG, which is an innovative startup aiming to create new digital solutions for increasing the value of human capital.

At the core of her work, Riccarda wants to transform the workspace at a systemic level and to create environments that appreciate diversity and capitalize on parents’ experiences in raising children. Through Piano C (“The C Plan”), a physical co-working space, she offers parents, especially mothers, a place to meet, work, interact and experiment with the ideas and principles promoted by MaaM, also having facilities and services for children, who are always welcome along with their parents. MAAM collaborates with companies such as Poste Italiane, Unicredit, Eni, UBS, Nestle, Ikea or Pirelli and the methodology developed by Riccarda for both MAAM and Piano C are used and requested throughout Italy and internationally.

Riccarda is the author of the book "MAAM - motherhood is a master that makes men and women the strongest", published in September 2014. She is also a consultant and a researcher on the subjects of leadership, stereotypes and female employment.

CEO and Co-Founder

Adrian Fako is the CEO and Co-Founder of Accelerole, a product doing mobile learning augmented by AI. The Romanian team has just been accepted to WeXelerate, the ultimate ecosystem for innovation in Europe, in Austria where they will be working in meeting the learning needs of the employees of the future.

General Manager

Consistently applying the motto "The world is changing very quickly, the best way to stay on top of technology is to be the one to develop it", Cristian Covaciu turned IPEC, from a company created in the family garage in Alba Iulia, into a high-tech company that today produces more than 1% of the world's production of plates, using over 250 industrial robots.

His ceramics career began as a university assistant at the Technical University of Timisoara and received many recognitions - the most recent as the finalist of the EY World Entrepreneur of the Year competition, where he represented Romania.

Impact Hub Bucharest

Daniel Matei has built a career based on sales and marketing roles. He is currently the Manager of  Impact Hub Bucharest, having worked alongside this organization ever since 2010 to develop the concept of coworking in Romania.

Event Partners

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If you would like to register for the HighFuture Conference, please contact us at florina.dinca@hr-club.ro or fill in the registration form below.
Depending on the type of membership and the sessions you wish to attend, please find below the registration fees.
*Prices are in Euros and VAT is not included.
350 euro + VAT
350 euro + VAT
520 euro + VAT
