UPSKILLING SEEDS | Navigating the Great Resignation || ONLINE | 17 mai 2023
Ne bucuram sa va invitam miercuri, 17 mai 2023, orele 15:00 - 17:20, la webinarul Upskilling Seeds | Navigating the Great Resignation, in care vom impartasi know-how valoros, vom afla "secretele", provocarile intampinate si povestile de succes ale proiectului castigator si proiectelor finaliste la categoria Navigating the Great Resignation din cadrul HR Club Awards 2023.
In meniul din stanga puteti parcurge descrierea prezentarilor sustinute de reprezentantii proiectelor, agenda evenimentului si conditiile de participare.
Evenimentul va avea loc ONLINE.
Pentru participare vom folosi platforma Microsoft Teams, iar link-ul de conectare va fi trimis prin e-mail, celor inscrisi.
Va asteptam cu drag!
Echipa HR Club
Detalii sesiuni
Calatoria noastra a inceput in 2021, cand am experimentat Hackatonul si Design Thinking - ca noi metode de lucru, in intreaga echipa HR. Rezultatele au fost imediate, de aceea am impartasit aceste bune practici in organizatie, prin cascadarea metodologiilor.
Hackatonul si Design Thinking workshop sunt instrumente utilizate in organizatie pentru a genera inovatie sustenabila si a identifica solutii la provocari importante/urgente, intr-un timp scurt. Tinand cont de context, ne-am creat o versiune proprie a metodologiilor – cu sesiuni facilitate online/hibrid, pentru 9-16 participanti, cu durata de 2,5-4h (in functie de complexitatea temei).
Printre beneficiile acestei initiative se numara: includerea intregii echipe/oameniilor din mai multe arii ale organizatiei, este agile, se bazeaza pe un sistem de lucru colaborativ, menit sa imbunatateasca interactiunea si engagementul si, totodata, sa accelereze identificarea de solutii la probleme de business.
Am promovat utilitatea metodologiilor, prin exemplul propriu, iar managerii au fost deschisi fata de aceasta initiativa, astfel reprezentanti ai echipei HR, au facilitat cu succes 6 sesiuni in cursul anului 2021, care au generat si 2 povesti de success.
In 2022, ambitia noastra a vizat cresterea adoptiei acestor metode de lucru de catre angajati, sub un nou format ,care a implicat construirea comunitatii facilitatorilor “New WOW”.
In Endava, we guide ourselves on a simple philosophy focused on helping people succeed - the people who work for us, the people who engage with us, and the people who use the systems and applications we design, build, and operate. Endava’s success is thanks to the great people we employ, and this implies not only providing exciting and challenging careers for them but also finding the best solutions to identify the right insights about their motivation at the workplace. THIS project started from the idea that growing and retaining our employees is a leading objective for us with impact on reducing attrition and developing high performing teams.
The App offers an overview of the most critical team health metrics in one snapshot: Headcount, Leavers, Attrition, Allocations, Accounts Growth rate. All metrics can be personalized and sliced by different dimensions: Verticals, Accounts, Region, Delivery Unit, Disciplines and a timeframe.
The app collects Line Manager’s, Career Coach’s and Compensation Reviewer’s inputs for early detection of any risks of disengagement or attrition within their teams. Based on all data sources, a RAG (Red/Amber/Green) status will be calculated.
All these findings help the leadership teams to support high-performing teams' growth and seamless operation.
At NN, our company purpose, business ambition, values, brand promise and strategic commitments are at the core of everything we do. The NN way of working empowers colleagues to always be their best and enables our mission to be there for our customers every step of the way in their journey to protect what matters most to them.
The pandemic context created an opportunity for NN to become an even better workplace, as it brought flexibility and agility in how and from where colleagues work, with focus on business performance and care for the well-being of the people in the team, the clients who rely on NN and the communities we are part of.
In the hybrid approach designed around the employees’ dynamic needs, teams are empowered to improve their way of working, having the flexibility to agree on how and from where they work to deliver excellent business results. This empowers colleagues to be at their best, take ownership, collaborate across functions and be client oriented in everything they do. Listening, testing and continuously adjusting were the guiding principles in the HR team’s approach of building the people focused hybrid way of working in NN Romania.
Impreuna Crestem Oameni are in ADN-ul sau sa transforme Leadership-ul existent intr-unul personal, “mai constient”, sa aduca mai multa energie comunitatii noastre si sa genereze Engagement in randul colegilor nostri.
La fel ca in educatia parentala, leadership-ul imbinat cu grija si respect este ingredientul esential pentru a construi o comunitate durabila. Acest lucru se poate face la orice nivel, de pe orice pozitie. Se spune ca atunci cand ii crestem pe altii, crestem noi insine. Acesta este motivul pentru care am lansat provocarea sa crestem impreuna oamenii care vor deveni liderii de maine si sa mutam lumina reflectoarelor catre cei din jurul nostru, deoarece liderii creeaza rezultate punandu-i pe ceilalti in lumina.
Astfel, am pus comunitatea Rompetrol in inima tuturor programelor noastre, iar cu aceasta mentalitate, impreuna am devenit mai puternici si am crescut impactul colectiv.
Impreuna Crestem Oameni este structurat pe patru piloni:
- Education & Growth/Educatie si Crestere
- Rompetrol People Community/Comunitatea Oamenilor Rompetrol
- Working Environment & Culture/Climat de lucru si Cultura organizationala
- Health & Wellbeing/Sanatate si Stare de bine
Platforma este identitatea noastra comuna prin care propunem modalitati practice si productive de a creste in mod durabil atat noi, cat si echipele noastre, in timp ce ii sustinem pe ceilalti.
Misunea noastra:
We, people of Rompetrol, embark on a journey of individual transformation to reach authentic and conscious leadership, catalyzing our energy towards growing our community. We commit to grow the leaders of tomorrow, nurture a culture of conscious choices and decision and care for our people. |
Noi, Oamenii Rompetrol, ne asumam o calatorie de transformare individuala pentru a ajunge la un leadership autentic si constient, catalizandu-ne energia pentru cresterea comunitatii noastre. Ne angajam sa crestem liderii de maine, sa cultivam o cultura a alegerilor si deciziilor constiente si sa avem grija de oamenii nostri. |
Haideti sa urmarim impreuna VIDEO-ul de lansare, in care Gina Cruceru, Group HR Director, expune scopul proiectului, incurajeaza si sustine schimbarea perceptiei asupra Leadership-ului in organizatie :