HR Innovation Conference
When was the last time you asked yourself “Why am I doing things this way and not differently?” The moment you asked yourself this question, you’ve started on the path for innovation.
No matter where you are on this road, on November 3rd, at the HRinnovation Conference, we will show you shortcuts and fuel you with inspiration so that you can reach the destination of your choice.
What to expect from this year's edition?
#hrinnovationconference is probably the only day of the year in which the most influential HR people in Romania gather in the same room, in a friendly environment that is open to learning, exchange of experiences and relevant contacts.
Regardless of their position in a company, innovation should be on the list of responsibilities for all employees. Every year at the HR Club Conferences we gather nearly 500 specialists with expertise in different areas of the business and in different industries, the perfect environment to establish new connections that could lead you to new projects and future plans. We will prepare and inspire you so that you are ready to take action the very next day.
#hrinnovationconference introduces you to people that will inspire you to make changes of mentality, people who, by their example, will motivate you to make the right decisions for you and who will teach you how to create the right environment in your team so that all changes can be successfully implemented.
November 3rd is dedicated to the discovery of the qualities that innovators have in common. One of the most important of these qualities is to always ask questions such as “Why are things done in a way and not in another?” The answers to this kind of questions, combined with four other behaviors identified by Hal Gregersen when defining innovators, are the ones that bring success and make us all wonder “How hasn’t anyone thought about this until now?” It is people like this that we want you to meet on November 3rd and we are sure that their stories will motivate you.
#hrinnovationconference will be the place for you to find latest products and services from suppliers in our field with a new concept of exhibition area: #hrinnovationexpo
……. but perhaps the most important thing
#hrinnovationconference challenges you to make the best of this day by meeting other people as passionate about HR as you are, by finding the answers to your questions, by starting new projects and by making new friends.
If you live in Timisoara or Cluj-Napoca, and you can not be with us on November 3 in Bucharest, you should know that we broadcast live the keynote speakers sessions in your city. Contact us for details about the location and price.
We have many surprises in store for you, but we do not want to disclose them all from the beginning, so we invite you to come back to our website and find out all of the news on #hrinnovationconference. You can subscribe here to our e-mails and receive the news about the conference directly in your inbox.
Detalii sesiuni
Charles Handy is an observer of the daily ritual of life as well as a guide in exploring wider issues and trends. He is a gentle but incisive voice, questioning, probing, wondering. In over a dozen books he has established a reputation as leading observer of the world of work and the organisational life.
In this session, inspired by his latest book – The Second Curve, he will advocate for a new way of thinking about the future and the changes that need to be made in our lives and work.
What he is argueing is that what has worked for much of the recent past — in business, in education, in politics and in the society in general — will more than probably not work in an uncertain future. Many of the institutions behind which we could shelter in the future — schools and universities, companies, friendships, marriages and pensions — are under threat. Old authorities have lost or are losing their power as we speak and we need to create new functional ones!
The DIY Society is one example. We have become accustomed to living our lives in one sort of organization or another, through school and work until we retire. That is not going to happen any more for much of our lives or for many of us. Technology is tearing the guts out of organizations and at the same time giving us the means to do almost everything ourselves, be it our work, our education, our health, or our finances. It may be freedom but it can be frightening unless we plan the Second Curve for ourselves and don’t just let it happen to us.
Things cannot go on as before, much as we might like them to. The world has changed too much and the curve that we are on is going downhill fast. We have to reinvent the way we live and our life purpose, the way we work, how we educate our children and how we govern ourselves. As individuals, managers and governments we have to jolt ourselves out of our complacency as a matter of urgency and do some Second Curve thinking. The Culture of Business has also got to change. Businesses have to find a Second Curve that is more in tune with the needs of society, that gives more say, and pay, to its workers and yet is viable in a competitive international world. It won’t be easy – none of the Second Curves are – but it is urgent.
What might the ideal society of the future look like and do we need to change our roles to fit into this new world? We propose a one hour and a half thought provoking session with Charles Handy as a guide who looks into the future and imagines what might be coming next.
With the demand for innovation on the rise, managers and employees alike often wonder “how can I be more innovative?” To deliver solutions to this simple but critical question, this session will focus on naming and understanding the everyday behaviors of innovative leaders.
Is an innovator born or made? This is the question Hal Gregersen is set out to answer for his bestselling book, “The Innovator’s DNA” alongside with authors Jeff Dyer and Clayton M. Christensen. Some people are just natural innovators, right? With no apparent effort, they discover ideas for new products, services, and entire businesses. It may look like innovators are born, not made. But according to Hal Gregersen anyone can become more innovative. How? Master the discovery skills that distinguish innovative entrepreneurs and executives from ordinary managers. Based on research about the world’s most innovative companies and organizations, interviews with their entrepreneur founders and executives, this session presents a core set of “discovery skills” that distinguish innovative leaders from non-innovators. Collectively, these discovery skills—the cognitive skill of Associating and the behavioral skills of Questioning, Observing, Experimenting, and Idea Networking—constitute the Innovator’s DNA, or the code for generating creative ideas with positive impact.
The authors explain how to generate ideas with these skills, collaborate with "delivery-driven" colleagues to implement ideas, and build innovation skills throughout your organization to sharpen its competitive edge. They also provide a self-assessment for rating your own innovator's DNA. Practical and provocative, this book is an essential resource for all teams seeking to strengthen their innovative prowess.
In this session, we will dig deeper into the innovator’s DNA skills for individuals. You will gain deeper insight into your Innovator's DNA, a unique portfolio of discovery and delivery change leadership skills, and how it can enhance your ability to not only lead change, but also create successful new business models, products, services, and processes. We are sure that this session will empower you to leverage your personal Innovator's DNA skills to overcome the most critical barriers to personal and organizational change.
“At a very fundamental level, the innovation skills we write about in The Innovator’s DNA ...everyone had those skills lively in us as kids. The fundamental hope is that we all get those skills re-ignited at work, at home, in our communities in order to generate better ideas. It is thinking differently by acting differently and at the end making a real difference.” Hal Gregersen
Hal Gregersen offers a unique perspective on the inovators behaviour, as a dear member of our community observed after participating at a program at MIT Sloan Fellows , where Hal Gregersen is a teacher. Here’s what Adrian says: "Hal was my professor at MIT, where he taught the “Global Leadership”course. I had heard about him, because of “The Innovator’s DNA” bestseller, which he co-wrote along with Clay Christensen and Jeff Dyer, but also because of his courses at MIT, Insead, London Business School. What I did not anticipate was his mastery, the art to create an absolutely special connection with his students (all of them successful managers from 38 countries) – that allowed him to teach us, in a relatively short period of time, the manner in which the best global leaders in business, public administration and society discover new provoking ideas, grow the human and organizational capacity to implement those ideas and finally, how they succeed to deliver strong and positive results. Hal’s capability to transfer knowledge from various industries, synthesize and forward them to his audience in a strong, emotional and personal way – seemed to me absolutely outstanding." Adrian Purcarea, MBA, MIT Sloan Fellows, Class of 2016
Also, Dave Ulrich congratuleted us for the decision to bring Hal Gregersen at our conference: ”It has been a privilege to know Hal for many years (ahem, decades!!!). He is a wonderful, innovative, and clear thinker. He understands how organizations work overall and how they become more innovative. He has created unique insights that have real impact on management practice. He has a truly global perspective having worked and lived around the world. And, he has a warm and engaging personality. “ Dave Ulrich, Rensis Likert Professor of Business, University of Michigan
The extensive research (8 years and hundreds of interviews), is separating Hal Gregersen from the bulk of the existing authors who wrote on innovation, authors that based their methodology on a singular case at one organization and delivered it as a universal solution. Book a place at #hrinnovationconference where we give you the opportunity to hear one of the most experienced researcher on innovation!

Hal Gregersen is executive director of the MIT Leadership Center and a senior lecturer in leadership and innovation at the MIT Sloan School of Management. He is the author The Innovator’s DNA: Mastering the Five Skills of Disruptive Innovators. You can find the complete description here.


Charles Handy is a writer, broadcaster and lecturer. He describes himself, these days, as a social philosopher. He regularly features among the top names in Thinkers Fifty, the list of international management thinkers and in 2011 was awarded their first Lifetime Achievement Award. His books on the changing shape of work and its effects on our lives and organizations have sold over two million copies around the world. His latest book is The Second Curve, a series of thought provoking essays on the future of society.
He graduated from Oriel College, Oxford, with first-class honours in “Greats”, an intellectual study of classics, history and philosophy. After college, Handy worked for Shell International as a marketing executive, economist and management educator, in South-East Asia and London before entering the Sloan School of Management at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, graduating with an SM in Management. In 1967 he returned to England to design and manage the only Sloan Programme outside the United States, at Britain’s first Graduate Business School, in London.
In 1972 Handy became a full Professor at the School, specializing in managerial psychology. From 1977 to 1981 he has been the Warden of St. George’s House in Windsor Castle (a study centre for social and ethical issues) and the Chairman of the Royal Society of Arts (1987 - 1989). He is also known in Britain for his Thoughts for Today on the BBC radio breakfast show ‘Today’. He was awarded the Order of the British Empire in 2000 as well as an Award from the President of Ireland in recognition of his work. He has also been granted honorary doctorates or fellowships from British and Irish universities.
Handy’s main concern is the implication for society, and for individuals, of the dramatic changes which technology, demography and economics are bringing to the workplace and to all our lives. His books on these themes, which he started writing in 1975, were included repeatedly in the best business books of the year tops.
He is Irish and grew up in Kildare, but now lives in London and Norfolk. Handy and his wife Elizabeth, his business partner as well as a portrait photographer, have two grown children and live in London and Norfolk in England. They have what Handy has termed a ‘portfolio life’, balancing their skills and their time to make the most of their independent careers.
You can see some of his books and projects on

Hal Gregersen is committed to creating insight with impact. As Executive Director of the MIT Leadership Centerand a Senior Lecturer in Leadership and Innovation at the MIT Sloan School of Management, he pursues his lifelong vocation of learning how leaders in business, government, and society discover provocative new strategies, develop the human and organizational capacity to realize those strategies, and ultimately deliver positive, powerful results.
Putting insight into practice, Gregersen regularly delivers inspirational keynote speeches, motivational executive seminars and transformational coaching experiences around the world with companies like Accenture, Adidas, AT&T, Christie’s, Coca-Cola, Daimler, Danone, IBM, Intel, Johnson & Johnson, KPMG, LG, Marriott, MasterCard, Nokia, Philips, Time Warner Cable, WalMart, World Economic Forum, & Yahoo! He also works with governments, not-for-profit and NGO organizations to generate greater innovation capabilities in the rising generation of leaders. He ia also a Senior Fellow at Innosight, a leading global innovation consulting firm. Before joining MIT, he taught at INSEAD, London Business School, Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College, Brigham Young University, and in Finland as a Fulbright Fellow.
Gregersen’s most recent book, “The Innovator’s DNA: Mastering the Five Skills of Disruptive Innovators” (Harvard Business Review Press) uncovers the code for the successful innovator in business — and beyond. Unlike other books that help organizations simply maximize execution, “The Innovator’s DNA” demonstrates how execution alone can become a dead-end destination unless you cultivate enough competent innovators within your company to make crucial new discoveries. Co-authored with Jeff Dyer at Wharton/BYU and Clayton Christensen, the best-selling author of “The Innovator’s Dilemma” at Harvard Business School, “The Innovator’s DNA” comes from an eight-year international research project on the origins of disruptive innovations and how executives, entrepreneurs and employees build highly innovative companies. In collaboration with HOLT at Credit Suisse, Gregersen and his co-authors identified the 50 most innovative companies in the world and interviewed their founder entrepreneurs and current CEOs. They also conducted over 6,000 Innovator's DNA survery assessments of leaders around the world to show how creativity skills generate valuable new products, services, processes and businesses.The book was named Book of the Year for Innovation and Entrepreneurship by Chartered Management Institute in association with The British Library.
Recently, Gregersen collaborated on a ground-breaking online learning experience, Innovator's Accelerator, to teach anyone how to cultivate innovation within themselves and their organizations. Gregersen is also founder of the 4-24 Project, an initiative dedicated to rekindling the provocative power of asking the right questions in adults so they can pass this crucial creativity skill onto the next generation in order to improve organizations, communities and global society.
Gregersen has co-authored 10 books and has published more than 70 articles, book chapters and cases on innovation and change in leading business journals such as HBR and Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal.
Hal and his wife have spent over a decade living and working outside the United States – in England, Finland, France, and the UAE. Currently, they reside in Boston where he pursues his lifelong vocation, photography, and she her lifelong loves, sculpture & painting, as part of a global community of social entrepreneurs dedicated to creating positive change through the arts.

Ciprian Ciofu is the Chief Construction Responsible in the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of "Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University from Iasi, where, besides the research work carried out and numerous published scientific papers in the field of mechanical engineering, in 2011 he set up the first Formula Student team in Iaşi.
T.U. Iasi Racing, the Formula Student project of the technical university from Iasi, was born from the desire to provide future engineers with practical experience, complementary to the theoretical knowledge gained over years of university studies. The Formula Student competition is especially designed to provide a real "life experience" to the participating teams. Each team has the task of designing, building and testing a Formula Student racing car in real conditions, following a restrictive regulation that fits within the deadlines imposed.
All these constraints, like, for example, the need to raise the necessary funds during one semester, while they are going to class, is a useful, multidisciplinary and additional professional training experience for those involved in the project. This project involved students from specializations like Automotive, Machine Building, Automation, Architecture as well as specializations like Economics and Business Administration.
This year the T.U. Iasi Racing team debuted in the Formula ATA Italy and Formula Student East Hungary competitions, where they completed all the steps.

Florin Cozma is a fourth-year student in the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of Iasi, at Road Vehicles (Automotive) Engineering specialization and part of the T.U. Iasi Racing team in the last two years, beginning from October 2014.
Florin is part of this project because he wanted to be more involved as a student and to learn how to work in a team. He is eager to learn many new things in the field of engineering so that he can use this experience for all future projects.
After two years spent in the Formula Student team, Florin and his colleagues were able to form a very united group after working hard in designing, manufacturing the parts and then assembling and testing their race car in sports competitions.
Building and improving the racing car, year after year, Florin accumulated design, management and communication skills, which helped him present the project to potential sponsors and partners that helped them finish each project fully so that they could participate every summer to Formula Student competitions.
Mihai is the CEO of EFdeN, an educational, research and innovation project in which over 250 students from 8 universities from Romania were involved. The project was awarded with national and international distinctions, and participated at the most important international competition in the field, Solar Decathlon Europe in 2014, and in the fall of 2015, EFdeN 4C – The First Research Center for Comfort in Romania, opened to the general public was launched, details on
Once they raised the necessary funds, the EFdeN team designed, built and transported for 2500km this sustainable, comfortable and safe house, which has a greenhouse inside, is fully electric, equipped and functional, has no monthly bills , produces more energy than it consumes and uses the best natural materials.
In 2016 he co-founded, along with Claudiu Butacu,, a project that aims to facilitate the production of green energy by households and achieve green energy legislative framework for the market of small individual producers. At the present time, receiving permits for installing a solar panel on a house lasts 450 days, and this must change.
Mihai is also the Partnerships Responsible at Startup Weekend Bucharest and member of the Aspen Energy Lab. Mihai is one of the "30 under 30” Laureates at Forbes Romania Gala, he was included in the "100 faces of innovation" book, and he also is part of the "TOP 100 people and ideas that move Romania" conducted by Foreign Policy Romania. He is a member of VLER - "Future Leaders of Power in Romania", a program of the Romanian National Committee of the World Energy Council. He is also certified as a Professional of Green Buildings by the Romanian Council of Green Buildings, and as a Sustainability Manager by Denkstatt ECQA.
Hal Gregersen offers a unique perspective on the inovators behaviour, as a dear member of our community observed after participating at a program at MIT Sloan Fellows, where Hal Gregersen is a teacher. Here’s what Adrian says: "Hal was my professor at MIT, where he taught the “Global Leadership”course. I had heard about him, because of “The Innovator’s DNA” bestseller, which he co-wrote along with Clay Christensen and Jeff Dyer, but also because of his courses at MIT, Insead, London Business School. What I did not anticipate was his mastery, the art to create an absolutely special connection with his students (all of them successful managers from 38 countries) – that allowed him to teach us, in a relatively short period of time, the manner in which the best global leaders in business, public administration and society discover new provoking ideas, grow the human and organizational capacity to implement those ideas and finally, how they succeed to deliver strong and positive results. Hal’s capability to transfer knowledge from various industries, synthesize and forward them to his audience in a strong, emotional and personal way – seemed to me absolutely outstanding." Adrian Purcarea, MBA, MIT Sloan Fellows, Class of 2016
Also, Dave Ulrich congratuleted us for the decision to bring Hal Gregersen at our conference: ”It has been a privilege to know Hal for many years (ahem, decades!!!). He is a wonderful, innovative, and clear thinker. He understands how organizations work overall and how they become more innovative. He has created unique insights that have real impact on management practice. He has a truly global perspective having worked and lived around the world. And, he has a warm and engaging personality. “ Dave Ulrich, Rensis Likert Professor of Business, University of Michigan
If you want toregister for the HRinnovation Conference, the Master Class held by Hal Gregersen, or both, please contact us at
Depending on the type of HR Club membership and the type of attendance you chose, please find below the participation fees.
*Prices are in Euros and VAT is not included.
Below you can find the rates for #hrinnovationconference (Keynote + Plenary Session) available if you register by September the 19th!
HR Club presents #hrinnovationexpo!
#hrinnovationexpo is part of the #hrinnovationconference – HR Club’s largest annual event – the place where we want to celebrate innovation, creativity and the power to reinvent ourselves.
#hrinnovationexpo means 22 exhibition stands, placed in the Atlas Hall Foyer and in the Prefunction Area in the Radisson Blu Hotel, that offer you the opportunity to interact with the 500+ conference attendees: CEOs, HR Directors and specialists in areas such as Recruitment, Training,Performance Management etc.
And since INNOVATION is this year’s central theme, if you launch a new and innovative product in the #hrinnovationexpo, you will receive a special price for your exhibition stand.
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What does it mean to exhibit/showcase your products in the #hrinnovationexpo?
Before the event:
- Online visibility on the #hrinnovationconference website;
- Online promotion campaigns on HR Club’s social media channels;
- Mention of your presence in the exhibition in all our newsletters regarding the #hrinnovationexpo sent to the attendees of the #hrinnovationconference.
During the event:
- Stand area: 2x2 square meters;
- Standard features: one table and two chairs;
- Two representatives from your company will have access in the #hrinnovationexpo area, including coffee breaks and lunch;
- One free ticket to the #hrinnovationconference (Keynote sessions + Plenary session) for one of the two representatives of your company who are present at the stand.
Investment: 1000 euro + VAT/stand
- 15% - if you launch an innovative product or service on November 3rd at the #hrinnovationexpo;
- 10% - if you are an HR Club member with the HR Partner extra option;
- 15% - if you also acquire an advertising layout in the 7th edition of the Best Practices Manual(details here)
* The discounts do not cumulate, please contact us for more details.